Thursday, February 19, 2009

Vishal Mangalwadi - Christianity Transforms Cultures

Guest: Vishal Mangalwadi
Date: 02/14/09
Topic: Christianity Transforms Cultures

Vishal Mangalwadi calls himself a "thinking Christian from India." He was born and raised in India, where he studied philosophy at universities and in Hindu ashrams. Later he studied at L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland.

He is an international lecturer, social reformer, political columnist, and author of fourteen books. On this episode of Every Square Inch, we talked about the history of India, William Carey's impact on the sub-continent, and President Obama's recent election (among many other things!).

Learn more at

Download Every Square Inch episode here.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Scott Norman - Christian Teachers in Public Schools

Guest: Dr. Scott Norman
Date: 01/31/09
Topic: Christian Teachers in the Public Schools

Dr. Scott Norman has taught in private Christian schools, public schools, homeschool co-ops. . . and he now serves with Christian Educators Association International, an organization that serves - make that ministers to - teachers in public and private schools. Their mission is to

"To Serve the Educational Community by Encouraging, Equipping and Empowering
Christian Educators in Public and Private Education."

Dr. Norman shares why Christian educators shouldn't abandon the public schools - and how to pray for your local school teachers.

Learn more at

Download Every Square Inch episode here.

Brad Frese - The Biblical Defense of Self-Defense

Guest: Brad Frese
Date: 01/24/09
Topic: Self-Defense: Is it Biblical?
Was Jesus really a meek and mild pacifist? Does the Bible really have anything to say about self-defense? Is gun ownership Biblical?

Brad Frese of Firearm Safety Services answers these questions and more in this episode of Every Square Inch.

Download Every Square Inch episode here